YEAHUI ELECTRONIC LIMITED Yeahui Cable, connector to the world!
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It can take up to 14 days for symptoms of coronavirus to appear. They can be similar to the symptoms of cold and flu.
If you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus, you should behave as if you have the virus and self-isolate for 14 days. People in your household will need to restrict their movements.
Coronavirus is spread in sneeze or cough droplets. To infect you, it has to get from an infected person's nose or mouth into your eyes, nose or mouth.
It’s important to wash your hands properly and often.
To help stop the spread of coronavirus you may need to either restrict your movements or self-isolate.
Restricted movements means avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible. You will need to do this if you are a close contact of a confirmed case of coronavirus and you are still well.
Self-isolation means staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other people. You will need to do this if you have symptoms of coronavirus.
There is no specific treatment for coronavirus. But many of the symptoms of coronavirus can be treated at home. Take any medication you are already taking as usual, unless you are told not to by a healthcare professional.
Most people who catch coronavirus will experience mild symptoms. They should make a full recovery without needing to go to hospital.
If your symptoms get worse and you feel very unwell you may need to go to hospital.
In the face of coronavirus, many companies have stopped working. But even if the work is stopped, we need to prepare for resumption of work. It is necessary to contact our suppliers in advance. Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the Coronavirus(Responding to COVID-19).